Consequences of not paying attention to the summons of the Dispute Resolution Council

Consequences of ignoring the summons of the Dispute Resolution Council : In this article, our aim is to examine the subpoena of the Dispute Resolution Council and its related issues. In addition, we will address the effects of non-attendance and compliance with this subpoena and its consequences. In this context, an important factor that should be considered is the competence of the Dispute Resolution Council to settle disputes related to crimes. In other words, this council is responsible for promoting peace and settling disputes between the parties. In this regard, they may issue summonses to the defendants and deal with the cases and make decisions. In the rest of this article, we will go into more details about this issue and we will examine the consequences of attending or not attending the summons of the Dispute Resolution Council. So, stay with us so you don’t miss more information.

Summons of the Dispute Resolution Council

The process of proceedings and dealing with disputes in judicial authorities is carried out under the title of “procedural procedure”, which we mentioned in previous articles. The main purpose of this procedure is to protect the rights and interests of the parties during legal claims. One of the important steps in this process is the summoning of the parties to the court, which is done by issuing a document called “Notice”. The summons of the Dispute Resolution Council is created and executed in the same way and plays an important role in the dispute resolution process.

In this text, we examine the details and importance of the dispute resolution council summons. We discuss the rituals and its importance so that the readers can understand the best meaning of this concept. Follow us to get more information.

Dispute Resolution Council Subpoena Issue

In this text, we will examine the details of the issue of the dispute resolution council’s summons and we will try to address the issues related to it more widely and familiarize you with these aspects. The summons of the Dispute Resolution Council is very important as one of the important tools in the process of dealing with legal disputes.

The dispute resolution authority is responsible for dealing with all crimes that can be forgiven in the laws. This includes financial issues including lawsuits related to movable property, eviction of tenants, adjustment of rents, issuance of inheritance certificates, and family related issues such as dowry, dowry, and alimony. In addition, in the subpoena, cases of rent adjustment lawsuits, lawsuits for payment of the penalty and family lawsuits can be examined up to the limit set in the laws. Also, in cases related to Ta’ziri crimes, which are only subject to monetary punishment of the eighth degree, the summons of the Dispute Resolution Council is issued.

Join us to dive deeply into the concepts and importance of the Dispute Resolution Council subpoena.

Summoning procedures of the dispute resolution council

In this part of the text, we will examine the concepts and important details included in the summons of the Dispute Resolution Council. These cases are very vital because determining the place, time, and reason for people’s presence in the process of dealing with legal and judicial disputes is of particular importance.

In the summons of the Dispute Resolution Council, the following points are taken into account:

Reason for presence: In this section, the exact reason for the presence of the summoned person (accused or plaintiff) is clearly specified. This reason is especially important for the audience so that he knows why he was warned and what they expect from him.
Attendance time: The exact date and time when the person must appear at the dispute resolution council center is carefully determined in the summons. This issue is of particular importance to avoid possible conflicts and ambiguities regarding the time of attendance.
Exact location and address: The location and exact address of the dispute resolution council center is also included in the summons. This information is vital so that the summoned person can appear at the specified place without any ambiguity.
These procedures and items included in the summons of the Dispute Resolution Council are very important for the accurate and timely implementation of the process of dealing with legal disputes and avoiding any ambiguity and discomfort related to legal procedures.
The methods of serving the summons of the Dispute Resolution Council: changes over time
The methods of serving the summons of the Dispute Resolution Council have experienced important changes over time. In this section, we will discuss these changes and current methods of subpoena delivery.

Old methods: In the past, judicial authorities used to send notices or summonses to home addresses by judicial agents. This summons contained specific information such as the person’s name and surname, the date and time of attendance, the place of attendance, and the reason for the summons in detail. This method was usually used in cases where the crime was related to chastity.

Current methods: Currently, the methods of issuing summons and notices by the Dispute Resolution Council have changed. Considering that all judicial notices are sent through the Sana system, after registering in this system, the litigants can be informed of all the details related to their cases, including information related to the notices, summonses, and notices issued by the court or Council is sent.

These changes in notification methods have been created in order to facilitate and be more transparent in the process of dealing with legal disputes and better experiences for the litigants.

Consequences of ignoring the summons of the Dispute Resolution Council

Consequences of ignoring the summons of the Dispute Resolution Council

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, the dispute resolution council has the authority to create peace and compromise in the case of forgivable crimes and can send a summons as a tool to deal with these crimes. In this section, we examine the consequences of people ignoring the subpoena. These consequences are as follows:

Losing the opportunity for peace: not paying attention to the summons and not attending the council meetings makes the possibility of peace and compromise by the council disappear. In other words, this practice does not play an effective role in creating a quick and effective resolution of disputes.

Referral of the case to the prosecutor’s office: After ignoring the summons and not attending the council meetings, this authority may refer the case to the court or the prosecutor’s office for preliminary criminal proceedings. This issue may lead to a more complicated and lengthy judicial process.

Issuance of an absentee verdict: Failure to pay attention to the notice of the council can lead to the issuance of an absentee verdict to the detriment of the person. This default judgment is usually issued in favor of the complainant and can have various effects, including conviction of the criminal charge.

Paying attention to summons and attending council meetings is of particular importance and plays an essential role in faster and effective solutions for settling legal disputes.

Justifiable reasons for not appearing after receiving the summons of the Dispute Resolution Council

In a previous article, we discussed that it is mandatory to attend the meetings of the Dispute Resolution Council after receiving the summons at a certain time and place. But are there exceptions? In response to this question, we must say that despite the definitions and explanations that we have provided, sometimes the respondent may have valid reasons for not attending the meetings of the Dispute Resolution Council. In other words, it intends to set a new hearing time by presenting these excuses or valid reasons. According to the laws, the justified reasons for not attending the meetings of the Dispute Resolution Council, which are similar to the justified reasons for the absence of a lawyer in court sessions, include the following:

Death of a close family member or a primary cause such as a child or spouse.-
Having a disease that prevents a person from moving or attending meetings is harmful for a person.-
Any event beyond a person’s control and will, which prevents him from attending the meeting or the time of the dispute resolution council.-
Forced incidents that prevent a person from attending council meetings. Here, force majeure refers to events that a person has no control over, such as floods and earthquakes.-

Therefore, in these cases, the Dispute Resolution Council can postpone the hearing or, in other words, postpone it to another time. These actions are done in order to facilitate and speed up the process of resolving legal disputes.

Comparing the summons of the Dispute Resolution Council and the notice

Summons and notice are two different concepts in law and dispute resolution process. Next, I will explain what these two are and what their differences are:


Definition: A subpoena is an official communication from the court or related organizations to a party who is notified that he must attend a meeting. Subpoenas are usually sent to individuals or companies during legal proceedings.

Purpose: The main purpose of the subpoena is to inform and announce the presence and participation in judicial sessions. These documents specify the date, time, and place of the meeting, and the person or company understands the meaning of attending the court.

Role in dispute resolution: Summons is only limited to determining the time and place of judicial sessions and in most cases does not help to resolve disputes.


Definition: A notice is an official communication to a party or parties in a dispute, which informs them that they will accept a dispute resolution court regarding certain issues and resolve that issue.

Purpose: The main purpose of the notice is to deal with the dispute and resolve it. The notice is sent to inform the parties and encourage them to settle or settle the dispute.

Role in dispute resolution: Notice plays an important role in the dispute resolution process. These documents specify the terms and conditions of the case and allow the parties to review the dispute resolution request before proceeding to court. If one party responds to the notice, he or she may reach an agreement with the other party and settle the dispute without going to court.

Therefore, the main difference between a summons and a notice is in their purpose and role in resolving disputes. Subpoenas are sent to set the time and place of court hearings, while notices are sent to encourage dispute resolution and proceedings.

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